Meet: the Haydar family

Fresh white outline, purple colour and a green centre: that’s HAYDAR! Always at the center of attention in every bouquet/arrangement. With its splendid colour contrast, Haydar wins over everyone’s heart.

Haydar’s color palette is surprisingly playful and powerful. Haydar, Haydar Pink and Haydar Yellow together form a wonderful family! What will you make with it?

Florists love surprising products and that’s why they choose for Haydar. Some beautiful coloured spray chrysanthemums out of the Haydar family, some matching other flowers and green materials combined together results in a stunning, eye-catching Haydar bouquet. The Haydar family is the perfect flower for grand floral designs. Blindingly beautiful!

Choose Haydar for

  • Reliability
  • ornamental value
  • good vase life – up to two weeks
  • Excellent transportability
  • colour retention all year round!


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