With Bonita Sunny you give every bouquet an instant summer touch. Have you ever worked with this radiant yellow spray chrysanthemum? Yellow is a warm, glowing color you can’t get enough of.
The solar energy splashes from it! Combined with its sharp-colored heart, this gives its color an extra bright dimension.

Radiant centerpiece
This sunny yellow spray chrysanthemum is perfect for making your bouquets shine. Therefore, get to know Bonita Sunny and ask for it at your local supplier. The power of color. With Bonita Sunny you will put a smile on everyone’s face.

Excellent durability
Yellow – green – pink: let yourself be surprised by the power of this flower that is suitable for many special color combinations. What an impact such a bright yellow flower has. With Bonita Sunny, an «ordinary» bouquet becomes a real eye-catcher. Its strength lies not only in its appearance. Bonita Sunny has a particularly good shelf life of more than 22 days. This gives its strong character an extra boost.

Some general tips for chrysanthemum:

  • Always cut the stems (at least 2cm) diagonally, which is better than cutting.
  • Always use a clean vase that is roomy enough.
  • Remove excess leaves that get into the water.
  • Place them in fresh tap water and use flower food.
  • Do not place chrysanthemums in full sun, in drafts or next to ripening fruit.


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